Crunchyroll, renowned for hosting some of the world’s top anime franchises, has not only brought us beloved adaptations but also given birth to original series like Tower of God. Originating as a WEBTOON in 2010, Tower of God’s anime adaptation announced its eagerly awaited second season in 2022. Fans at Anime NYC got the scoop on when to mark their calendars for Bam’s next journey.
While manga and light novels traditionally birthed many anime series, the influence of South Korean WEBTOONs cannot be understated. Tower of God, The God of High School, and Noblesse are among the animated gems that owe their existence to this digital comic medium. In the coming year, Solo Leveling, another standout WEBTOON, is set to make its anime debut, expanding the genre’s diverse offerings.
Crunchyroll tantalized fans with a teaser trailer for Tower of God Season 2, announcing its return to the streaming service in the summer of next year. Though the exact release date remains a mystery, July has been earmarked for the much-anticipated comeback. The beauty lies in the wealth of source material, ensuring a seamless transition from WEBTOON to screen.
For those yet to embark on the Tower of God journey, Crunchyroll provides the perfect opportunity to catch up on the first season. The streaming service describes the anime original as follows: “Reach the top, and everything will be yours. At the top of the tower exists everything in this world, and all of it can be yours. You can become a god. This is the story of the beginning and the end of Rachel, the girl who climbed the tower so she could see the stars, and Bam, the boy who needed nothing but her.”
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