Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said on Friday he has received the report on the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). He said the UCC will be implemented after the report is examined.
“It will be examined and then it will be implemented. We had promised the people of Uttarakhand during the state elections and they formed our government. So we are keeping that promise…we hope other states will also implement it,” Dhami said.
Dhami’s statement came amid speculation that the UCC could implemented in the upcoming session of the Uttarakhand Assembly. A special four-day session of the Uttarakhand assembly has already been convened from February 5-8.
Dhami informed that 2,33,000 people gave suggestions on the UCC draft. “The draft report is about 740 pages long and is in 4 volumes. We will examine the report and then move ahead…,” he added without giving any more details about the draft reported.
A five-member committee was formed on May 27, 2022, to frame a Uniform Civil code. Two sub-committees were also formed by the committee. Out of which the work of one subcommittee was to prepare the draft of the “Code”. The work of the second subcommittee was to invite suggestions from the residents of the state and also to establish dialogue.
The Chief Minister said that after studying and examining this report, the government will prepare a draft of the Uniform Civil Code law for the state of Uttarakhand as soon as possible.
The government will then place the related bill in the special session of the upcoming Legislative Assembly and will move rapidly towards implementing this law, ANI reported.
The UCC will provide a legal framework for uniform marriage, divorce, land, property and inheritance laws for all citizens irrespective of their religion in the state. If implemented, Uttarakhand will become the first state in the country after Independence to adopt the UCC. It has been operational in Goa since the days of the Portugese rule.
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Published: 02 Feb 2024, 05:46 PM IST
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