Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


NEW DELHI: A recent poll has highlighted a significant shift in the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), revealing that Russia and China are increasingly surpassing the United States in terms of influence within the region. The survey, conducted by Al-Monitor in collaboration with Premise, engaged 2,670 participants across Egypt, Türkiye, Iraq, and Tunisia from March 4 to March 22, 2024, to gauge their perceptions on global power dynamics.
The findings indicate a clear preference for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping over US President Joe Biden among the respondents.Putin emerged as the most favored leader with a 44.4% approval rating, followed by Xi at 33.8%, and Biden trailing at 21.7%. Notably, Putin’s popularity was highest in Egypt at 51.6%, while Biden saw a slight edge in Iraq at 29.2%, albeit still ranking behind the leaders of Russia and China, a Russia Today report said.
The poll suggested that the US’s standing in the region might have been affected by its support for Israel’s actions in Gaza, among other factors. Respondents were divided on whether the US (30%) or Russia (28%) could more successfully mediate political disagreements in the Middle East. However, a larger proportion, over 40%, believed the US was better positioned to help resolve the Israel-Hamas conflict, surpassing Russia’s 27.9% and China’s 13.4%.
Looking ahead, nearly half of the survey participants acknowledged that Russia (49.5%) and China (47.9%) play more crucial roles in the region now compared to a decade ago, compared to 37.1% for the US. Expectations for the next decade indicate that Beijing could rival Washington as the most influential force in the MENA region. Additionally, a majority expressed a desire for their governments to establish closer ties with Beijing (43.2%) and Moscow (39.7%), as opposed to Washington (29.7%).
The economic investments from China were viewed positively by almost two-thirds of respondents, reflecting favorably on the country’s impact on their nations. Similarly, economic cooperation with Russia was seen in a positive light by 52.3% of those surveyed. In contrast, US economic investments were positively received by only 39.7% of participants, with 29.8% reporting negative impacts, the RT report said.


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