Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


NEW DELHI: An international team of experts has uncovered new insights into the early evolution of complex life on Earth through the analysis of ancient superdeep diamonds found in mines in Brazil and Western Africa.
According to a report in Science Tech Daily, these remarkable diamonds, formed between 650 and 450 million years ago within the supercontinent Gondwana, shed light on the formation, stabilization, and movement of supercontinents.
Dr. Karen Smit of the Wits School of Geosciences, part of the study, emphasized the significance of these superdeep diamonds. She said, “Superdeep diamonds are extremely rare and we now know that they can tell us a lot about the whole process of continent formation. We wanted to date these diamonds to try and understand how the earliest continents formed.”
The research reveals that supercontinents, like Gondwana, played a pivotal role in concentrating deep oceanic plate subduction, a key driver of plate tectonics, in specific regions, Science Tech Daily reported.
By dating the minute silicate and sulfide inclusions within these diamonds, led by Dr. Suzette Timmerman of the University of Bern, Switzerland, the team determined that these diamonds formed deep beneath the base of Gondwana, some 300 to 700 kilometers below the surface.
According to Science Tech Daily, their goal was to trace how material contributed to the keel of the supercontinent. During this investigation, the team identified a previously unknown geological process.
“The geochemical analyses and dating of inclusions in the diamonds, combined with existing plate tectonic models of continent migration, showed that diamonds formed at great depths beneath Gondwana when the supercontinent covered the South Pole, between 650–450 million years ago,” said Dr. Smit.
The rocks hosting these diamonds became buoyant during their formation, carrying subducted mantle material and the diamonds themselves. This material was added to the base of Gondwana, effectively “growing” the supercontinent from below, Science Tech Daily reported.
Around 120 million years ago, Gondwana began to break apart, leading to the formation of present-day oceans like the Atlantic. At 90 million years ago, the diamonds, along with tiny inclusions of their host rock, erupted violently to the Earth’s surface.
According to the report, the volcanic eruptions that brought these diamonds to the surface are currently located on the continental fragments of Brazil and Western Africa, two integral components of the former Gondwana. This suggests that these diamonds migrated alongside different parts of the former supercontinent as it dispersed, essentially “glued” to its base.
Dr. Smit further remarked on the diamonds’ complex history, highlighting their extensive travels both vertically and horizontally within the Earth. This history traces not only the formation of the supercontinent but also the latter stages of its evolution, indicating a potential new mode of continent growth, Science Tech Daily reported.
To facilitate further research of this nature, Smit has been working on developing a new isotope lab and methodologies at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. She noted, “We need this type of research to understand how continents evolve and move. Without continents, there wouldn’t be life. This research gives us insight into how continents form and it links to how life evolved, making our planet, Earth, unique in the cosmos.”


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