Industrialist and Former Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata has called out a deep fake video of him giving investment advice on Instagram. The fake video shared by an Instagram user with the name Sona Agarwal deceptively featured the industrialist giving investment advice and the caption of the post offered the users a ‘chance’ to exaggerate their investment ‘risk free’.
The deceptive Instagram post that featured a deep fake interview of Ratan Tata where he called Agarwal his manager. The caption of Agarwal’s Instagram post said, “A recommendation from Ratan Tata for everyone in India. This is your chance to exaggerate your investment right today risk-free with 100% guarantee,” the caption of the video post read. “Go to the channel right now.”
Deepfake videos of a lot of imminent personalities have went viral on social media in the recent, causing netizens to react with a mixture of shock, horror and panic. The most victim of deepfake menance was actor Prianka Chopra who was seen promoting a brand and divulging her yearly income in yet another deceptive video.
Unlike other actors, however, Priyanka’s face wasn’t edited over controversial videos. However, her voice and lines from the original video were replaced with a fake brand promotion.
In a similar incident, actor Alia Bhatt was also seen in a deepfake video which was later found out to be untrue. In the viral video, Alia Bhatt’s face is edited over a different lady and the latter can be seen sitting on the bed. The video features a girl wearing a blue floral, strapy co-ord set featuring Alia’s face, while she makes gestures towards the camera.
Meanwhile, Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Tuesday met social media platforms to review progress made by them in tackling misinformation and deepfakes, and asserted that advisories will be issued in the next two days to ensure 100 per cent compliance by platforms.
New, amended IT Rules to further ensure compliance of platforms, and the safety and trust of online users are actively under consideration, Chandrasekhar said in a post on X.
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Published: 07 Dec 2023, 11:41 AM IST
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