December – the last month of the year is almost here. While we cannot wait to welcome a fresh new year in a month, we are also busy looking back at the year we left behind and the time we spent making memories. Every year is a bittersweet one – with a little bit of happiness, little sadness, some events we do not wish to remember and some events that we never want to forget. We lose people, we gain people, we make memories with our loved ones and then we move on to another year with fresh hopes, new ambitions, new resolutions and the zeal to achieve more in life. The month of December is replete with festivities, the winter season, friends and family coming together to make memories, and a lot of hope.

However, December is also the month laden with the aftertaste of a year ending slowly. Making resolutions for a new year is mandatory as it helps us to get nearer to our goals – however, when we start early, we can achieve more. This year, we should make resolutions in December and try to abide by them as we spend the last month of this year.
ALSO READ: New Year 2023: Best resolutions for your health and overall well-being
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Here are a few resolutions that we should make in December:
Healthy lifestyle: No matter what, we should stick to a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating workout into the lifestyle and having food on time are some of the things that we should maintain on a daily basis.
Seek mental peace: In the hustle of life and goals, we often leave our mental health behind. This December let’s pledge to make our mental and emotional health a priority and stand by it.
Changing a habit: Be it smoking or drinking alcohol or consuming junk food, we should let go of the habits that do not serve us in a healthy way. Starting slow and introducing a healthier lifestyle helps to keep the body fit.
Adequate sleep: Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep helps us to recharge the body and have a fresh take on the day ahead. It also helps us to boost the mood and be more productive and efficient.
Follow our passion: We should always have a creative outlet to feel good about ourselves. From trying out painting to embroidery or dance, we should incorporate a hobby into our daily routine.
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