The teaser for Yatra 2, a film based on the life of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan, was released on Friday. The film, which depicts the events in Jagan’s life following the death of Rajasekhara Reddy, stars Kollywood actor Jiiva as YS Jagan and features Mammootty in a key role. Mahi V Raghav is directing the movie.
The teaser is intense and emotional, showing realistic depictions of events in Jagan’s life. It begins with a scene of a blind man waiting for Jagan, highlighting Jagan’s determination despite losing everything. The dialogue at the beginning of the teaser, suggesting that fighting against someone like Jagan would be a loss for them, is particularly striking.
The teaser also depicts conspiracies to portray Jagan as corrupt, with accusations of unprecedented corruption and repeated claims of embezzlement of lakhs of crores.
The teaser ends with Jiiva’s powerful dialogue, asserting his identity as the son of YS Rajasekhara Reddy, played by Mammootty. The teaser has gone viral on social media.
Yatra 2 covers a decade of political events in Andhra Pradesh from 2009 to 2019. Mahi V Raghav directs this political biopic, which features Bollywood actor Mahesh Manjrekar as Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Suzanne Bernert as Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, and Ketaki Narayanan as YS Bharathi. The actors’ looks and body language in the trailer are very realistic.
The movie, a sequel to the 2019 film Yatra, features Mammootty in YS Rajasekhara Reddy’s role. Unlike the full-length role in the first film, Mammootty’s character has a shorter appearance in the sequel. Yatra 2 is set to release on February 8th and will be available in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi, targeting a pan-Indian audience. The film’s music is composed by Santhosh Narayanan, and it is currently being shot. The film is a joint production of Three Atom Leaves, We Celluloid, and Shiva Meka.
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