Sat. Feb 15th, 2025


The Admission Committee for Professional Undergraduate Medical Educational Courses (ACPUGMEC) on Tuesday said that 21,076 students of the total 21,769 registered students have been selected in the provisional merit list for admissions in medical, dental, ayurveda and homeopathy undergraduate courses. There are a total of 14,782 seats in medical and other three branches available in the state.

There are 6,758 medical seats in 39 colleges, 1,255 dental seats in 13 colleges, 2,529 seats of Ayurveda in 35 colleges and 4,240 homeopathy seats in 44 colleges.
The committee data showed that the 4,518 of the total 21,076 students who have been selected in the merit list are from general category, 2,270 from scheduled caste, 2,366 are from scheduled tribes, 7,437 from socially and economically backward classes, 4,485 are from economically weaker sections and 107 are non-residential Indians.

The first round of choice filling has also started which will be completed by August 4.
The committee had started registration from July 15 which ended on July 24.
The announcement from the state committee to admit students had come as a surprise as on June 2, the National Medical Commission (NMC) through a notification had made changes in the rules of admission criteria and medical colleges and students.
The NMC had said that the medical admission process was to be centralised. So far, the NMC allowed state level admission committees to conduct the admission process. From now on, the admission process will be conducted entirely by the NMC’s central admission committee. The NMC has made a provision of punitive measures if a college denies centrally admitted students. The common counselling will be done by the central admission committee based on the seat matrix.


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