Wed. Sep 18th, 2024


After the city celebrated Diwali in all its glory, a myriad of animals and birds, including our canine companions, find themselves grappling with the aftermath of the festivities. Dog rescuers are witnessing a notable uptick in phone calls over the past couple of days, as concerned individuals reach out for assistance with lost, sick, or injured dogs.”

For representation only (HT File Photo)
For representation only (HT File Photo)

“A rescue’s tail had to be surgically amputated this morning as it suffered serious injuries on its entire tail. Someone had tied fireworks to the dog’s tail and set them off,” said dog rescuer Vishakha Shukla.

This is one among many such cases that take place in and around Diwali every year and is only one of the ways in which dogs are harmed by the cacophony of light and sound that ensues. Shukla mentioned that not only stray dogs but also pets go through severe trauma due to the loud firecrackers. This year, shelter homes and rescue agencies have received a large number of calls reporting missing pets and stray dogs from owners and community caretakers.

“I know an owner in Gomti Nagar whose pet dog ran away the day before yesterday when the firecrackers began and is still missing. There are several other cases,” said Shukla.

Dogs, with their sensitive hearing, are able to sense sounds at -5 and -15 dBs on average (something inaudible to the human ear). The noise-emitting firecrackers are at 125 dBs, which becomes extremely difficult for the animals to bear. In close proximity, this could lead to irreversible hearing loss.

Humane Society International (Lucknow), the municipal corporation’s NGO partner for sterilising stray dogs, also runs a clinic in Lucknow. Veterinarian and senior manager of the street dog program, Dr. Sanjay, said, “Amidst the vibrant festivities of Diwali, street dogs everywhere face challenges. The loud noises and bright lights scare them and heighten their anxiety. Community caretakers have, on instances, found strays in hiding with burn injuries on their bodies. What’s not so obvious is the harm from chemical-based crackers. These crackers can hurt their ears and leave harmful substances on their fur, causing skin problems. Breathing in the chemical fumes can make them sick, affecting their breathing and overall health.”

At HSI too, the majority of the distress calls were regarding lost pet dogs or panic attacks from trauma.

“We have seen Diwali injuries in the past where entire body parts of the dogs have been blown off, some inflicted intentionally, some unintentionally,” said another vet at an animal clinic in the city. “Some dogs we know to have run away from their owners’ homes and never returned,” he added. “In our experience, Diwali tends to be a truly traumatic time for animals, pet or stray. The tragedy is that many such cases go unreported as well.”

Shukla also attested to the fact that displacement and missing cases are highest during this time. “The number of cruelty cases this year is less than last year’s number,” she informed. At her shelter, Nawabi Tails, they have taken in 20 dogs in the last five days. Three of them are cases of cruelty, “one completed surgery on Tuesday, the rest will also need medical attention.”

She also said that some of the rescues are suffering from food poisoning and severe stomach upset, as they had food off the streets that were littered with the remains of fireworks. “These cases are also being treated at the shelter, and the ones suffering from trauma and psychological distress will also be rehabilitated.”


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