UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made a remark about the transgender community which triggered an uproar. The Prime Minister said that people in the UK should not be “bullied” into believing they can be any sex they want to be.
“Patients should know when hospitals are talking about men or women, and we shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t. A man is a man, and a woman is a woman; that’s just common sense,” he said.
While addressing the 2023 Conservative Party conference, the Prime Minsiter put forward a string of major announcements including the scrapping of the HS2 rail line, a program to double the number of doctors and nurses, and raising the age of smoking in the country.
Coming back to transgender views, recently, the British Social Attitudes survey released last month found that in 2022 just 30 percent of Britons agreed trans people should be able to change the sex on their birth certificate if they wish — down from 58 percent in 2016. Some 39 percent disagreed, up from 22 percent, as reported by Bloomberg. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health and other leading medical groups all recognize gender-affirming care as the standard of care for transgender youth.
Meanwhile, The Prime Minister’s statement has sparked a debate on the Internet while users call it Sickening and disgusting while some support his statement.
Supporting his stance, one user commented, “I have so much disagreement with him in other issues. But this statement is an absolute gold. There are only two genders. A man and a woman.” One user wrote, “I agree with him and I am not against anyone. It’s just biology!”
Slamming his statement, one user commented saying, “Taking a population of less than 1% in the UK and vilifying them to this level is absolutely terrifying. Why take a marginalized community who are just simply trying to be themselves and speak as if they are bullies and monsters?”
Another user said, “I’m so fed up with Sunak talking up the importance of maths, yet his biology knowledge is soo poor. Biological sex is so complicated and interesting and not at all “common sense”. This is before getting involved in the gender argument that affects the trans debate.”
One user said, “Hoping Sunak’s family never need help to change gender …they now know Sunak thinks they are wrong to want and believe that ! Sickening and disgusting !”
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