The Examination Regulatory Authority, Uttar Pradesh has released the seat allotment result for UP DElEd phase 1 round three seat allotment results today, September 30. Candidates can check the UP DElEd 2023 phase 1 round three allotment result at updeled.gov.in. Candidates can check the allotment result using their login credentials.

In the third round of seat allotment results for UP DElEd phase 1 a total of 29890 candidates have filled choices and a total of 28517 candidates have alloted seats. A total of 1373 candidates have been rejected.
After the third round of UP DElEd phase, 1 a total of 9089 candidates have been allotted seats for the district institutes of education and training (DIETs) and 5172 candidates have been allotted seats for Private colleges.
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